Accquiring tables in bulk can often make sense for restaurant owners, especially when large quantity purchases are usually linked to a discount. Most items in restaurants require purchasing in vast amounts, such as food and utensils, so why not lump in your furniture? However, as nice as these bargain surfaces seem upon purchase, the wear and tear will begin to show in as little as six months. Most companies that sell restaurant seating in mass either use a cheaper quality wood or utilize a spray-on lacquer to coat the surface of the wood. This finish tends to crack and peel within a period of months, depending on the amount of use. If you want to avoid purchasing new tables every year or reduce your constant spend on repair, the experienced team at Wehrli furniture has a restaurant table refinishing solution for your business.
Whether you are interested in refinishing all of your restaurant tables in one batch or tackling the process in small groups, you never have to worry about losing the revenue of those missing seats. At Wehrli, we offer temporary replacement tables to fill your restaurant during the refinishing process. You never have to skip a beat.
Our refinishing services do not include another coating of lacquer, which is not a long-term solution. We take the time to strip your restaurant tables and prepare them to be properly refinished. We choose stains that enhance the wood’s natural coloring and your restaurant’s aesthetic. After the wood has been properly stripped and stained, we then add a protective coating to shield the surface of the table from scratches and regular wear. We have several finishes depending on the style and use of your restaurant surfaces. Rather than adding a cheap finish to the top of your furniture, our team refinished the actual surface of the wood. This not only creates a high-quality finish but a long-lasting solution to your maintenance cost.
Wehrli Furniture knows that when it comes to running a restaurant, your tables are a necessary investment. We also understand you can’t run a restaurant without them. There are many specialties that set our
Naperville furniture company apart, but we pride ourselves on high-quality work and efficiency. If you are interested in learning more about our refinishing process,
view our latest projects, or if you would like to schedule a consultation regarding refinishing your restaurant tables, contact us today. We look forward to bringing your restaurant tables back to life.